Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oklahoma State University Hosts Oklahoma PLTW STI

George Collington, Manager, College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology Continuing Education, Oklahoma State University reports that OSU hosted the first Oklahoma PLTW STI. OSU offered training for five courses: Digital Electronics, Introduction to Engineering Design, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Engineering Design and Development, and Gateway to Technology. They enrolled 50 instructors, with over ½ of those coming from outside Oklahoma. George spoke about the quality of teachers he has found in the Oklahoma pre-engineering programs. He thanked Francis Tuttle and Carver MS for loaning equipment for the courses. OSU will be finalizing a Master for Engineering Education and coursework from the STI will count for college credit.

Mr Collington mentioned that the OSU faculty is willing to work with all Oklahoma pre-engineering teachers concerning curriculum and instructional strategies. He noted that the six engineering faculty trained for PLTW are the “cream of the crop” in the College of Engineering. He made a special request to encourage Oklahoma pre-engineering teachers to apply to become PLTW Master Teachers. Each of the five Master Teachers working with the OSU faculty this past summer, were from outside the state. Applications are due in November and can be found on the PLTW website www.pltw.org.

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